Social Media is the most potent and addicting drug out there right now. Besides crystal meth. It's inescapable. It's become so huge, for better or worse, it has changed the way business is conducted, it's made revolutions possible, and it's almost gotten me fired from my job. You gotta watch what you say. Seriously. Who knows what the true long term effects of facebook and twitter et. al. will be? I know one of the unintended consequences was probably the Arab Spring and Occupy movements. Online bullying is probably the worst thing to come out of all of it. AND OF COURSE, just dumb people in general on your feed. I know, you can block them, but the day I go on facebook and don't see a stupid or just inane status will be the day that I drink my own urine in disbelief. Why urine? I dunno, I guess I could just eat my shoes. Anyways, i'm getting off topic. Facebook is everything you love and hate about people, some of them your friends, some just know you exist. It can be great fun and a great tool to network, organize get-together's, and all kinds of stuff. It's very entertaining. I've collected my top favorite statuses of the year, from my friends, and some other things that either made me laugh or smacked my head. Failbook is good, but this is my take. Hopefully I don't piss too many people off. There's some Twitter stuff too. Haven't really done much on Google+ yet. So here we go, the first annual Ted Hood Facebook (and twitter) awards:

This is a wonderful status.
Jonel wins the award for best comeback.
This made me laugh.
This might be the most ignorant thing i've seen.
I take it back, this is the most ignorant thing i've seen.
Can't argue with that!
A perennial contender for status of the year.
Zack Ryder owned social media this year.
I have no idea what Jay is talking about here, but he is pumped.
That's pretty f***ing clever.
Those are the statuses that made 2011 a banner year for statuses. I hope everyone on here knows not to take this too seriously, and I probably have some dumbass statuses as well if you want to roast me back, but yeah, I genuinely love all you people and if I didn't i'd just defriend you. I'd be surprised if half of you are reading this, actually. These statuses brightened my day and/or made me laugh, and that is where Facebook totally wins. Even though I think Twitter is superior and Tumblr is more my style.
There it is!
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